3 v 3 Soccer - William
I have no profound title for this post other than what it is. A week ago William was invited to play in a soccer tournament, 3 v3, the phenomenon! What an experience. The game is exactly what it sounds like, 3 players on the field for each team and each game lasts about 24 minutes. These boys played like champs, well in fact they were the champs! His team took first place and he had a blast. We also made the discovery that William runs like Jared, looks like Jared, has the same mannerisms on the field as Jared and even shares the same attitude as Jared. Essentially I believe that makes him his "mini-me". Check out his tongue in this picture, so cute! One of the other photos shows him about to shoot a PK, penalty kick, he made it! And lastly, clapping and cheering his team mates on, either that or calling for the ball, we have a scoring machine on our hands!
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