The Birth of a Writer

It is frightening to me reading that title aloud.  I have no formal training.  No degree or letters after my name and I feel as though I am significantly unqualified.  The thoughts that run through my mind are numerous.  Lies I choose to believe and other quips that I play with and then toss to the wayside.  A basket filled with dead end ideas, contests loss, opportunities missed and spelling mistakes unnoticed, eek I almost forgot to mention the grammar rules thrown out the window.  In other words, an editor's nightmare.  And yet, here I sit.  Typing manically because I have the courage today and for fear that if I don't obey the fire and urge within will soon be diminished.  These words from Emily P. Freeman's April 2018 newsletter are spurring me on and even if you are not a writer maybe you too can find some encouragement from them.

"The only way to truly enjoy a new beginning is to give yourself permission to be a beginner.
That means saying yes to something new may bring both joy and discouragement.
It means raising your hand for an opportunity will be cause for celebration and study, for both already knowing and having to learn.
It means we bring our whole selves to the table, with our ability and our insecurity.
It means we need to get comfortable saying both, I can do this! and, I don't know how to do this!
It's a weird thing, being human." Emily P. Freeman (April 2018 Newsletter)

Her words resonate so deeply with this new venture I have committed myself to.  I do not lack encouragement.  Husband Jared and our Things have been unwaveringly supportive of my writing.  The idea that a reader may not like what I write, or worse, a critic could destroy my thoughts, personal or otherwise is what ushers in the fear.  Welcomes it like a fuzzy blanket on a crisp, fall night.   You see, I have no experience of working, submitting or being involved with a writing community.  I am working on changing that.  Research has ben plentiful, copious notes with contests, online courses, membership communities, masterminds, etc. You name it I have most likely come across it by name or form.  It is overwhelming to me.  My desire to be validated before pursuing this elusive occupation is strong.  But I am certain that being a beginner, as stated by Emily Freeman, means both knowing and not knowing.  Understanding and not.   Consistency is necessary throughout this "beginning" as is the continuing in spite of or maybe because of.  Nonetheless, persevering.  Learning and growing.  Adapting and creating.  The cost may be great and the learning curve steep but today that is my mountain to climb.  Here we go.  


  1. Yea! Go for it! I'm excited for you. PS-I like to listen to Emily's podcast from time to time.


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