Inspired to continue moving, placing one foot in front of the other
When I see the Mamas pushing jogging strollers.
I don't know whether they're running from something or to,
either way they're running, they chose movement.
Inspired by the seniors-often times moving at a pace quicker than my own,
kitted out from head to toe in gear, without headphones usually,
moving to their own rhythm confidently.
Inspired by the laboring breathers. The ones working harder than me,
the ones in which every .10km is an achievement to mark. They're moving too.
Inspired by the young lad who's turn over rivals that of a professional.
Who's stride covers five of my steps and who's cadence is symphonic.
He's running, no more like floating across the asphalt.
Inspired by those starting and stopping in fits. Stopping to stretch a cramped calf,
change their music or simply catch their breath. Rearranging and adjusting
every minute inconvenience and annoyance and yet still running.
They're moving. They continue on, despite of it all.
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