The March

This past Wednesday, January 22nd, to be exact, my girl Things and two of their friends were excused from school a bit early.  We drove to the state capitol to participate in the March for Life. 
My intent here is not to be controversial, simply to share a moment in our lives. 
An afternoon I won't soon forget.  The girls were filled with anticipation.  One, not to be named, went so far as to ask if we were being rebels.  Yes child, yes we are.  Rebels in the very best way.  Peacefully.  With love and with action. 

We were there for the unborn.  To make our voices heard.  Sharing Jesus.  His hope and His love.  And waving signs and singing and praying in efforts for our legislative leaders to hear our cries.  I don't have numbers to report or statistics to share.  What I do have is this picture ingrained in my mind.  You see the weather was not cooperating and with temperatures below zero we were forced to be indoors.  Inside the rotunda of the Capitol building.  A place I had never been before.  It was breathtaking.  Seriously.  When we entered the doors, grabbed our signs and looked up it physically took my breath away.  Tears rolled down my cheeks.  All three levels were filled.  Bright signs being waved.  Amazing Grace instrumental in the background.  Children.  Teenagers.  Young people.  Old people.  Women holding signs that read, "I regret my abortion".  Forgiven women.  Redeemed by Love.  I could not help myself.  I was overcome.  So were the teenagers I was with.  I closed my eyes and thanked the Lord for this moment.  To be there with them.  Seeing it all through their eyes.  It was the oldest Thing's idea to go.  I was going on my own and she asked to be a part of it.  I am so very thankful she did.

We walked up the marble stairs to the second level and waited.  Since there was no marching outside the people filled the rotunda.  I closed my eyes and took it all in.  The weight of the moment bearing down on me.  It's significance maybe not yet understood.  Together we were there, sharing glances, listening to the words of legislators and standing for life.


  1. I LOVE this. I love that you stood with your girls, for LIFE!! I love that you went. I love the pictures and especially your girls and their signs. That will likely stay with them for ever...I can only imagine being there with this little LIFE growing inside me right now, I would have been a crying wreck! These flutters, the flips and turns of this little person stood on behalf of my own unborn baby and I'm grateful! Thank you for going and thank you for sharing! One day I hope to be there with my own kids, although one day I hope we never have to stand in defense of the unborn again...

  2. Stephanie, I should be saying thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. One day, that is the prayer. Take care of that new life inside, looking forward to meeting him/her in the near future.


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