Spirit Week 2014
Every year the Things' school hosts spirit week. The week leading up to homecoming. Which in and of itself is a bit comical because their school does not have a football team. No big game where alumni return or we cheer late into the crisp fall night. No dress up dance or flowers or senior night or cheerleaders. Yet since the Things have been at ERA they have enjoyed this week. Maybe it's the opportunity to escape the fashion confines of the plaid uniform for a few days. Simply put, it's a fun week. Various themes for each day, upper and lower school participating in it all. Wacky Wednesday, class color day, homecoming shirt day, business professional day and western wear for the finale. All tying into the barn dance on the Friday. The highschoolers meet at Minnesota Harvest for a night of bonfires and dancing and s'mores and hay rides and fun! This year all three of the girl Things were able to attend the dance. And lo and behold this Mama did not take a single photo of the three of them together. I did however capture them with their friends who joined us for dinner before the dance and the caravan in Betsy (our van) to the dance. I think it was a good night.
Thing 3 and her friend, ready to go!
And so fierce.
The lovely group of girlies!
My Things before school all gussied up in their Western wear. Complete with cowboy boots and Minnetonkas, because Minnesota.
So that I may never forget this proud Mama moment I will end with this. These Things take their wackiness, I mean school spirit, seriously. As evidenced below. Not sure what exactly Thing 4 is trying to accomplish with his pose, but I give him an A for effort. Love the enthusiasm.

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