Lefse, A ScandinavianTradition
As an early Christmas present Mema surprised our family with a lefse kit. A special pan, a rolling pin, potato ricer, flipper stick, (not the technical name), and a pastry board. The girl Things and I had assisted in the process before but never had we attempted it on our own. Mema was kind enough to share hers and Nana's family secrets that had been passed down and along the way tweeked a bit to make better. For those of you that aren't familar with this treat, lefse is a Scandinavian flatbread of sorts that consists of mostly potatoes. The shape is similar to a tortilla, or at least my Things seem to think so. There are steps to this recipe and waiting so I won't bore you with all of those, you can look it up if you're that interested. Or maybe I'll share the coveted recipe sometime. Maybe.
Just the beginning
Rolling and transferring
(see Thing 1's pajama pants?)
Ricing the potatoes
I have always loved lefse. Husband Jared, not so much. With the exception of Thing 2, all the Things enjoy it. Usually we share in the potato "tortilla" during the holidays. This past weekend Mema and I got to work in the kitchen and I am now equipped to share in the tradition of good eats. The tools are important as is having an experienced lefse maker on hand. Insert Mema. The girl Things and I watched and learned and tried and messed up and tried again. Of course the best part of cooking like this is the tasting after. We made two different recipes, Nana's and a new one. Final result was that we all preferred Nana's. Looks like we'll stick with the family on this one.
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