Everything and Nothing

That is my newfound motto.  The six of us have had quite a rollercoaster ride this last week.  In the hotel, out of the hotel, shopping for the house, checking back into the hotel and so the story goes.  No klima, that's air conditioning, no hot water, no working cooktop.  All of that in the house that we have been paying rent on since June 1st. 

And then I step back and remind myself how blessed we are.  Still though the daunting tasks in front of us are somewhat overwhelming.  The language barrier is more than I can handle. at least right now.

If you couldn't tell I am not sunshine and rainbows today.  Really.  I had instant coffee this morning.  Enough said. 

Alright, so let me fill you in.  We attempted to move into our home on Saturday, last week.  That was going to be our first night here.  Thursday and Friday were spent at the house preparing, unpacking and shopping.  Saturday morning our rental car arrived, we checked out of the hotel and we were on our way.  Once arriving at the house we realized the klima wasn't functioning properly.  Ugh.  Phone calls were made.  No dice.  It wouldn't be until Monday that the technicians would be able to service the units.  Then we went through and started making lists of measurements, what was working, what wasn't working, etc.  We had no hot water, the hot water heater was leaking, the cook top wasn't working, our curtains weren't fitting.  We were drilling into cinderblock.  And then I began to feel guilty for complaining and whining.  I must say in the midst of it all we found the positive with the Things. 

We have a pool.  An infinity edge, mosaic tiled pool.  Filled with cooling water.  The Things had played and splashed and laughed for 3 straight days in the pool.  They remind me often what it means to live.  Thank God. 

Needless to say or maybe not, we are spoiled.  We checked back into the hotel.  Of course they welcomed us with open arms and the Hanson 6 was once again cool and in the world of klimas.  Sunday brought it's own challenges but we perservered.  We, I mean, husband Jared, tried once again to hang window coverings.  We did laundry.  We cleaned.  The Things organized.  I tried to stay sane.  No dice again.

And then we met some new found friends at the bay for a picnic.  More on that in my 4th of July post.  For now, the title of this post came from a new friend I met that night.  As I was sharing my angst, upon her prompting, she told me of a saying that her and her husband say often, "it's everything and nothing".  So true.

All of these minor inconveniences are really nothing.  In the grand scope of life these are mere bumps in the road.  Tests if you will.  Opportunities as I prefer to call them.  Opportunities to teach the Things how to handle reality.  How to deal with a new culture, a language barrier and how to show Jesus to these beautiful people that are now our "neighbors". 

If it was really a test, I failed.  Miserably.  Like I said it is everything and nothing.

And then yesterday was a new day.  Filled with new mercies and all His glory waiting to unfold.  With that came a to do list that was crossed off completely.  An adventurous shopping trip to Ikea with no GPS and only our memories to guide us and 4 grateful Things who were able to spend their first night at their new home in a new country.  We were able to hang the window coverings, Husband Jared actually went to work yesterday, I put together a coffee table, I did laundry with a foreign machine upon which the instructions are printed in Turkish and I even cooked a meal for all 6 of us.  That was yesterday.

This morning, having forgotten coffee beans at the store, which are a rarity here to begin with, we had instant coffee.  I think I mentioned that.  What a whiner.  There was still no hot water for showers.  I had no supplies to bake the frustration off.  The cooktop was still not working and the laundry monster was growing.  To really push me over the edge the panels I was hemming for Thing 4's room are now 5 inches too short.  Thanks to my fine homemaking skills.

 As soon as Thing 3 and Husband Jared walked in from their shopping trip it was like a wave washed over me.    Again, everything and nothing.  Emotions were running high and I was homesick for the first time.  Or at least the first time I allowed myself to feel. 

Don't misunderstand, please.  I am excited beyond measure and so grateful.  Truly.  This experience that we are living is an amazing blessing.  Yet, when the familiarity of what I've known has escaped my grasp for weeks now I find myself losing focus and perspective.  So, today I am allowing myself just a moment to say that I am good. 

It is just everything and nothing.

* Just a side note, while I was writing this, Thing 3 was showering and yelled, "there's hot water!".  Amen sister.  Amen. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. didn't your mother teach you to sew? LOL
    love you, and know it must be tough at times, but I know that you will see things in perspective eventually!


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